
If I have a 5 years old child...

     If I had a 5 years old child who had an accident and was officially diagnosed as brain dead, I cannot donate his or her own organs. First, my opinion about it is to donate his or her organ because someone is needed its organ. According to Shannon, he notes an ethical term, beneficence. Referring to this idea, my donation could help someone who has a serious disease. Also, if I have a child who has a serious disease, I want to find a donor, so donation is beneficence.
     However, I cannnot grant brain dead as compleately death because the heart is still beating. Today, I searched what brain dead is and whether people who was diagnosed as brain dead can come back. I learned brain dead people mostly would die in a few days. After I knew it, I changed my idea for not to donate because I want to care for my child's real death; the time of his/her heart stops if he/she would die in a few days. I agree with Morioka's comments about Japanese culture which is "he soul has its own body" (Morioka 4). It seems to me soul remains in brain dead person's body, so I cannnot choose organ transplantation to rest in pease.
     I do not want to deny organtransplantation and I want to use this system in my own case. Also, it is time for Japan  to modernize as Morioka said. Although, I will not choose organ transplantation because this situation is about my child.

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